Make yourself at home in our PreViz Suite, designed to maximize both comfort & creativity. 
Our Concept is simple. Maximized creativity in a space with the proper tools for you and an ambiance that's both elegantly client-facing and secure. The SLX Pre-Visualization suite combines hospitality and experience to ensure the most productive experience.  

At its heart, The Suite is designed to enable a dynamic workflow & creativity whilst also having chic amenities that are supplemental to your experience. Imagine having to walk your high-profile artist through the warehouse of your equipment vendor, to be a part of the creative process.  Or what if that same artist had to come to your makeshift pre-vis suite in a hotel room? Would any of these options be secure from uncomfortable run-ins with the public? 

The SLX PreVis Suite is your solution to these rather obvious yet important questions that designers face when it comes to pre-show preparation. 
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